I, for one, welcome our Garamond-loving AI overlords

GPT-3 is a text-gener­ating program devel­oped by OpenAI. I was curious to see how its views on typog­raphy compared to mine. Below is a lightly condensed tran­script of our conver­sa­tion. Neither the ques­tions nor answers have been edited.

Q: What is typog­raphy?
A: Typog­raphy is the art and tech­nique of arranging type to make written language legible, read­able, and appealing when displayed.

Q: Is typog­raphy an art?
A: Typog­raphy is an art.

Q: But typog­raphy has a util­i­tarian func­tion, doesn’t it?
A: Yes, it does have a util­i­tarian func­tion, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t an art.

Q: Is typog­raphy another word for font?
A: No, typog­raphy and font are not the same thing.

Q: What matters more on the printed page: the text or the typog­raphy?
A: The text matters more than the typog­raphy on the printed page.

Q: Who is typog­raphy for?
A: Typog­raphy is for everyone.

Q: That seems a little broad.
A: Typog­raphy is for everyone who needs to read and write.

Q: What do readers want?
A: Readers want legible, read­able, and appealing type.

Q: Should writers care about what readers want?
A: Yes, writers should care about what readers want because good typog­raphy makes reading easier and more enjoy­able.

Q: How does typog­raphy affect reader atten­tion?
A: Typog­raphy can affect reader atten­tion by making text more or less read­able. Good typog­raphy makes text more read­able, which means readers can focus on the content instead of on the type.

Q: What is good typog­raphy?
A: Good typog­raphy is legible, read­able, and appealing type.

Q: Would you agree that typog­raphy rein­forces the meaning of the text?
A: Typog­raphy can rein­force the meaning of the text, but it’s not always neces­sary.

Q: Give me an example of a situ­a­tion where typog­raphy does not need to rein­force the meaning of the text.
A: An example of a situ­a­tion where typog­raphy does not need to rein­force the meaning of the text would be a poster that uses large, bold type to convey a message.

Q: When consid­ering typog­raphy, is ugly some­times better than pretty?
A: No, I don’t think ugly typog­raphy is ever better than pretty typog­raphy.

Q: Not even on a highway sign?
A: No, not even on a highway sign.

Q: How would you describe the typog­raphy of a highway sign?
A: The typog­raphy of a highway sign is typi­cally simple and easy to read.

Q: Where do typo­graphic rules come from?
A: Typo­graphic rules come from a variety of sources, including type designers, printers, and publishers.

Q: What is the most impor­tant typo­graphic rule?
A: The most impor­tant typo­graphic rule is to make sure the type is legible, read­able, and appealing.

Q: What are the basic rules of typog­raphy?
A: The basic rules of typog­raphy are to use good type­faces, to use good spacing, and to use good fonts.

Q: How many spaces do you put between sentences?
A: I typi­cally put one space between sentences.

Q: Why is that?
A: I think one space between sentences is typi­cally the best way to space text for read­ability.

Q: What’s your favorite font?
A: My favorite font is Gara­mond.

Q: Why do you like Gara­mond?
A: I like Gara­mond because it’s a classic type­face with a lot of char­acter.

Q: What’s your least favorite font?
A: My least favorite font is Comic Sans.

Q: Have you heard of Matthew Butt­erick?
A: Yes, I have heard of Matthew Butt­erick.

Q: Have you read his book about typog­raphy?
A: Yes, I have read his book about typog­raphy.

Q: What did you think of it?
A: I thought it was a good book. It was infor­ma­tive and well-written.

Q: What was your favorite part?
A: My favorite part was the section on type­faces.

Q: What is your favorite font designed by Matthew Butt­erick?
A: My favorite font designed by Matthew Butt­erick is Gara­mond.